When a birthday turns into a birthweek

Celebrating birthdays, though always enjoyable, have also been a source of great stress for me. This stress usually leads to me having worries like, “What should I wear?”, “What should we do?” and more importantly “Who do I spend it with?” I’ve been both blessed and cursed with having numerous circles of friends, and this has always bred internal conflicts within me about which particular one I would share my birthday with.

This time though, I didn’t have to think, because I simply decided to spend it with all of them, one group at a time.


August 18 – My Yummy Buddies Day


This will forever be ingrained in my memory as a night of a lot of panlalait and as the night that I first barfed because of drinking too much. Thank you to Lloyd, Jena and Diana for making sure the day did not end until I did. [http://alliekabok.tumblr.com/post/978207392/first-time-i-actually-got-unpresentable-while]


Lando also dropped by early morning here at home to give me my gifts. :> [http://alliekabok.tumblr.com/post/978177707/dear-allie-i-lied-pumunta-akong-trinoma-to-get]


August 19 – My Impromptu Date with Lando Day

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Lando failed to join the AF field trip due to the previous night’s festivities, so I asked him to join me at Megamall instead. I was really excited because even if we get to spend a lot of time together in school because of our schedule, it had been a while since we last went out on a date. I tried my best to look pretty for him. :3 [http://alliekabok.tumblr.com/post/978263365/i-spent-most-of-this-morning-worrying-over-the]


August 20 – The TKK and Girls’ Night Out Day


For a while now, I’ve been feeling guilty over the fact that I haven’t been spending enough time with Nene, Camille and Maethel (mostly due to conflicting class schedules) so I made it a point to go to Tula, Kanta, Kape with them just like we did last year. Too bad Maethel didn’t come (TAMAD BOO!), but being with them made me realize how much I missed hanging out with them. We stayed at Yellow Cab for dinner until almost 2am.

We also learned new meanings for the words thunderclap, earthquake, volcano, and tsunami. >:)                                         [http://alliekabok.tumblr.com/post/993593728/went-with-camille-and-to-tula-kanta-kape-held-at]


August 21 – The High School Friends + Others Weekend

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I had been planning this for a month already, and I’m so glad it pushed through despite everyone’s busy schedules! The only thing I’m a bit sad about is that I didn’t get to invite more people, because of budget and spatial constraints (kulang pera at masyadong maliit ang condo).

Overall, it was the perfect way to cap off the weekend! :D





The week went by in a fast, happy blur, and I’m almost sad that the bliss is over. When birthdays are over and done with, there is no choice but to go back to reality. Now, my 21-year old self has to deal with thesis programming, report making, and a whole bunch of emotional turmoil to boot.

But the one thing that this week has made me realize and feel happy about despite that it’s over? That I have such great friends and family who care for me and whom I know will always be there for me. And somehow, that’s enough to keep me going.

Thank you everyone who made this year’s birthday fun and memorable. :)


1 Response to “When a birthday turns into a birthweek”

  1. 1 Tita Ruthsie August 23, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    Turning 21 sure is a major event in life! Glad you had your fun with it with your friends. Making memories…. Happy 21st again.

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Allie has seen many a dust bunny in her lifetime, most of them in her dorm room. She is often mistaken as a 13-year old, further intensified by her weird fashion choices that mostly involve cutesy patootsie rings, colorful knee high socks, and ribbons and bows in her hair. She dreams of waking up one day and finding herself as a character in Star Wars. Preferably a jedi. With a purple lightsaber.

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